We here at DPB have always made it our goal to provide a little bit from everyone, from everywhere and as many disciplines as possible. Though much of our focus is whitewater, we discovered that many enthusiasts enjoyed other watersports as well, so those became part of our mix.
We know as well that we cannot be everything to everyone. We also realized that we could so easily have inundated the Facebook page with posts on the environment, especially protest posts, that people might tune us out. For three years part of our feed has been on topics concerning the environment, from opposing the building of dams or calling for their removals, to protecting the Grand Canyon and other wild places from development, to sharing events hosted by us (like the Wolf River Cleanup or our Raffle that supported American Whitewater) or our friends like International Rivers’ Day of Action. There are a lot of other pages out there and we are happy to have a wonderful relationship with them. We share back and forth, which helps to build our community.
Most of the things that we’ve tried have been inspired by our followers: on Facebook; on our Instagram page, @DBP_4_LIFE; on Snapchat at DBP4life; here in DBP MAGAZINE ONLINE; and there is always something cooking on the stove. There is one thing that concerns all watersports people. THE WATER. With the attention of the world focused on the Dakota Access Pipeline, we can no longer hold back our frustration. We must give vent to our people. And so, we give you our sister group DBP ACTIVISTS!! It’s not just Dakota, it’s the world. It’s not just water either, but without that essential ingredient all life on this planet is at risk.
This group is dedicated to you all. It is an open group that everyone may post to. We invite comments, photos, video clips, news posts, sharing local events, on all topics about the environment, conservation, river access, from around the world. No cause is too small, no one will be left behind. Educate yourself, share what you’ve learned with others.
Every movement needs a mission statement to inspire and provide focus. DBP Admin Ythsta Prather Resovich is a longtime river guide, staff writer for our Magazine, and lifelong environmental activist who crafted the following mission statement for DBP ACTIVISTS!! :
“The Dirt Bag Paddler Activists are a group of avid boaters and others whose intention is to act in support of any organization or individual who is endeavoring to prevent the destruction of, or damage to, our valuable water resources. We are neither politically or religiously motivated. Our actions stand singularly to prevent the wanton destruction and harm to the resource that our lives depend upon.
We will not involve ourselves, nor encourage others, to condone or support the use of violence in any action at any level at any time. We do not condone the use of prejudicial tactics or coercion in any way. We will not engage in any action in which we are asked to act outside of our Constitutional Right to Peaceful Assembly and at all times will adhere to the code of Peaceful Non-Violent Resistance when participating in Civil Disobedience and maintain impeccable unwavering ethics in our right to the usage of Free Speech.
It is our mission to use our collective “voice” as our only weapon to enact and enable meaningful change through education and awareness.
We will support any group, groups or individuals engaged in ANY water protection action by providing them with emergency physical aid when necessary (as provided under Good Samaritan Laws) and any other tools and resources at our disposal that they may need in order to defend our most valuable resource; within the confines of our Non Violent mission.
Any member of this group, at any time, may join and actively participate in any action in order to gain first hand knowledge or to follow personal convictions. Individual Participation is encouraged as long as there is no disruption, intrusion or other damaging actions that could tarnish or negate any statement made in this document.
We are the people who stand under the banner “One Love One River” and we will always act, with impeccable ethics, pride and loving kindness, in the manner that best achieves that goal.”
The cause that was the seed from which DBP ACTIVISTS!! grew is the protests in South Dakota against the Dakota Access Pipeline, or DAPL. There is so much happening there that the news threatened to overrun the rest of our usual feed on DBP. We couldn’t focus exclusively on this protest, but we certainly couldn’t turn away either. Dirt Bag Paddlers stand with Standing Rock! Here is a wonderful article by DBP Admin and DBP ACTIVISTS!! member Valerie Gordon on what is happening on the Reservation along the Missouri River. (Valerie is headed to Standing Rock to help serve Thanksgiving Dinner to the Water Protectors, in the true spirit of the original Thanksgiving here in America. We are very proud of her!)
We also asked members of the Group to put into words what we are about. Darren Ellis has been involved with us and the #NoDAPL movement since the group’s inception. He writes: “All the water that ever has been or ever will be is here now. It sits, it runs, it rises as mist. It evaporates and falls again as rain or snow. You cannot pollute a drop of water anywhere without eventually poisoning some distant place.”
Tanya Ann Dias is a personal friend of many of the DBP Admins, and another voice in our growing group. “Just as water helps the blood flow through our veins to keep us healthy and able, the water in form of the rivers and creeks that flow through our lands keeps our ecosystems healthy and able in which we depend on and connects us. To pollute or damage one, has an effect on us all.”
We invite you to join us live the ONE LOVE ONE RIVER Philosophy in defense of all that we hold dear. Become part of the network, and give back!